Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Herb Blogging #277 Hosting

It's lovely to have Susan from The Well-Seasoned Cook as our host for this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you haven't taken part or it's been a while, here's a quick summary of the rules.

You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower or grain - in fact if it is plant based, then we'll love to hear more.

Your post can be informative -  spotlight a particular ingredient and include information about how they are used in cooked and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.

Post should include the phrase Weekend Herb Blogging and a link to the rules and to your host.

You can post anytime during the week but remember to email your host by the deadline.

Entries must be submitted by:

  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your posts to  thewellseasonedcook AT yahoo DOT com
with WHB#277 in the subject line and the following details:

  • Your name
  • Your Blog/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Your Location
  • Please include a photo sized:400px wide

If you'd like to keep up with the Italian version of WHB you'll find that Brii from Briiblog is hosting this week!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cabbage and Prosciutto Frittata

Cinzia from Cindystar is hosting Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I've got myself some cabbage.

cabbage© by Haalo

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Herb Blogging #276 Hosting

This week Cinzia from Cindystar will be hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

While it's called Weekend Herb Blogging we don't limit ourselves to just posts dealing with herbs - we celebrate vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers, grains - in fact if it is plant based, then we'll love to hear more.

Your posts can either be informative and/or include a recipe where your featured ingredient is the main ingredient of the dish. If you've found a new way to cook an old ingredient or discovered a new ingredient, you're more than welcome to share it with WHB.

Posts can be written anytime during the week but need to be sent to the host by the appropriate deadlines.You can find more information by checking out the WHB rules.

Send your entries to cmc AT cindystar DOT it
with WHB#276 in subject line and the following details:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Your location
  • A photo: 300px wide
Your entries need to be received by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 8am Monday - Melbourne DS Time

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spiced Sugar Plums

Chris from Mele Cotte is hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I've got some dainty sugar plums.

sugar plums© by Haalo

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lamb Neck Stew

When it comes to cooking lamb it seems most recipes tend to deal with only a few types cuts like lamb racks or lamb legs but we should be looking at the less aesthetically pleasing but more flavoursome parts like lamb necks.

lamb neck© by Haalo

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend Herb Blogging #275 Hosting

The fabulous Chris from Mele Cotte is hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you'd like to join in, the rules are simple - post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, nut, seed, flower - in fact if it is plant based then we'd love to hear more.

Your post can be informative -  spotlight a particular ingredient and include information about how they are used in cooked and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe. You can find further information on the rules page.

Entries must be submitted by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 9pm Sunday - London Time
  • 10pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 8am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your posts to melecotte AT gmail DOT com
with WHB#275 in the subject line and the following details:
  • Your name
  • Your Blog/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Your Location
  • Attach a Photo: 250px wide

Don't forget you can always keep up with the Italian version - this week it is hosted Libera from Accantoalcamino.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Today is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, the last day before the start of Lent. On this day, the food made was traditionally rich in eggs, butter and sugar - all those ingredients that you probably would not have indulged in during the lenten period.

In previous years I've made pancakes and crepes but this year I've taken inspiration from the Dutch and their adorable little pancakes called Poffertjes.

Poffertjes© by Haalo

Monday, March 07, 2011

Weekend Herb Blogging #274 Hosting

This week Winnie from Healthy Green Kitchen will be hosting Weekend Herb Blogging.

While it's called Weekend Herb Blogging we don't limit ourselves to just posts dealing with herbs - we celebrate vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers, grains - in fact if it is plant based, then we'll love to hear more.

Your posts can either be informative and/or include a recipe where your featured ingredient is the main ingredient of the dish. If you've found a new way to cook an old ingredient or discovered a new ingredient, you're more than welcome to share it with WHB.

Posts can be written anytime during the week but need to be sent to the host by the appropriate deadlines.You can find more information by checking out the WHB rules.

Send your entries to winnie AT healthygreenkitchen DOT com
with WHB#274 in subject line and the following details:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Your location
  • A photo: 400px wide
Your entries need to be received by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 9am Monday - Melbourne DS Time

If you're looking for even more WHB, Kris from Tutto a Occhio is hosting the Italian version.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Upside Down Blood Plum Cake

Yasmeen from Health Nut is hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm enjoying the start of Autumn with Blood Plums.

blood plums© by Haalo
Blood Plums
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