The Last Garnish |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Black and White Wednesday #8
Black & White Wednesday is a weekly photography event curated by Susan from The Well-Seasoned Cook that celebrates black and white food photography.
There are many elements to this deceptively simple amuse and as it is readied to go out into the dining room, the final garnish is added.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Weekend Herb Blogging #299 Hosting
This week we welcome back Susan from The Well-Seasoned Cook as our host of this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging.
If you haven't taken part or it's been a while, here's a quick summary of the rules.
You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower or grain - in fact if it is plant based, then we'll love to hear more.
Your post can be informative - spotlight a particular ingredient and include information about how they are used in cooked and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.
Post should include the phrase Weekend Herb Blogging and a link to the rules and to your host.
You can post anytime during the week but remember to email your host by the deadline.
Entries must be submitted by:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time
Send your posts to thewellseasonedcook AT yahoo DOT com
with WHB#299 in the subject line and the following details:
- Your name
- Your Blog/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your Location
- Please include a photo sized:400px wide
Remember, you can also keep up with the Italian version of Weekend Herb Blogging - this week it is hosted by Aitina, Branca & Conchita from Fragoliva.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
King Oyster and Chorizo Crostini
It's a very warm welcome to Rinku from Cooking in Westchester who is hosting her first Weekend Herb Blogging. This week I've been tempted by these adorable baby King Oyster Mushrooms.

Monday, August 22, 2011
Weekend Herb Blogging #298 Hosting
This week Rinku from Cooking in Westchester will be hosting Weekend Herb Blogging.
If you're new to Weekend Herb Blogging or haven't joined in for a while, here's a quick recap of the rules.
You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower - in fact if it is plant based then we'll love to hear more. Your post can be informative, spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.
Entries must be submitted by:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time
Send your posts to rinkub AT aol DOT com
with WHB#298 in the subject line and the following details:
- Your name
- Your Blog/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your Location
- Attach a Photo: 300px wide
If you want even more WHB - then do check out the Italian version of Weekend Herb Blogging - hosted this week by Kris from Tutto a Occhio.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Parsnip Bread Pudding
Chris from Mele Cotte is hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week it's time to revisit the humble Parsnip.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Weekend Herb Blogging #297 Hosting
The ever delightful Chris from Mele Cotte will be hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging.
If you haven't taken part or it's been a while since you last joined in, here's a quick summary of the rules.
You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, nut, seed, flower or plant. Your post can be informative - spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.
Complete information can be found here.
You can post any time during the week but remember to send your email by the following cut-off times:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time
Send your entries to melecotte AT gmail DOT com with WHB#297 in the subject line
and the following:
- Your Name
- Your Blog Name/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your Location
- A photo: 250px wide
If you're looking for more WHB, you can also keep up to date with the terrific Italian version of WHB - hosted by the Brii from Briggishome
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Freekeh Tabbouleh
Lynne from Cafe Lynnylu is hosting this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm taking a look at a grain with an unusual name - Freekeh

Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Black and White Wednesday #5
It's really wonderful to see how people have really taken to Black and White Wednesday, it truly is inspiring - as always you can see the gallery for this week and previous weeks by visiting Susan at The Well-Seasoned Cook

In this photo wines are being poured back into their bottles after being tasted for service that evening as part of a wine dinner. It takes a steady hand and experience not to spill a drop.
In this photo wines are being poured back into their bottles after being tasted for service that evening as part of a wine dinner. It takes a steady hand and experience not to spill a drop.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Weekend Herb Blogging #296 Hosting
This week Lynne from Cafe Lynnylu will be hosting Weekend Herb Blogging.
While it's called Weekend Herb Blogging we don't limit ourselves to just posts dealing with herbs - we celebrate vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers, grains - in fact if it is plant based, then we'll love to hear more.
Your posts can either be informative and/or include a recipe where your featured ingredient is the main ingredient of the dish. If you've found a new way to cook an old ingredient or discovered a new ingredient, you're more than welcome to share it with WHB.
Posts can be written anytime during the week but need to be sent to the host by the appropriate deadlines. You can find more information by checking out the WHB rules.
Send your entries to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com
with WHB#296 in subject line and the following details:
- Your Name
- Your Blog Name/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your location
- A photo: 400px wide
Your entries need to be received by:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 7am Monday - Melbourne DS Time
Don't forget you can also keep track of the Italian version of WHB - hosted by the lovely Brii from Briggishome
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Lemon Butter
Simona from Briciole is very kindly hosting both the english and italian versions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm enjoying the bounty from my own garden - lovely Meyer Lemons.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Black and White Wednesday #4
It's time for another Black and White Wednesday - as always you can find the gallery of this and previous weeks submissions curated by Susan at The Well-Seasoned Cook.

With a photograph it can be as important what you don't show then what is shown and I think this photo is an example of that premise in action.
Here you have the Chef explaining the positioning of items on a dish to the rest of his team - it's not necessary to see his face or a wide shot of the scene because it can all be distilled to the position of his hand. The intensity is implied by the tightness of the shot and in black and white the distractions are removed and you can focus on the moment.
With a photograph it can be as important what you don't show then what is shown and I think this photo is an example of that premise in action.
Here you have the Chef explaining the positioning of items on a dish to the rest of his team - it's not necessary to see his face or a wide shot of the scene because it can all be distilled to the position of his hand. The intensity is implied by the tightness of the shot and in black and white the distractions are removed and you can focus on the moment.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
I always thought Flapjacks referred to those thick, American-styled pancakes but in the UK they are the name given to a much loved tray bake. At their simplest they are a combination of oats, golden syrup and butter but they can be jazzed up with the addition of various dried fruits and even chocolate.
It seems the biggest argument about flapjacks are whether people like them chewy or crunchy - I must admit I'm on the chewy side but if a crunchy consistency is required - make them a little thinner and just cook them a little longer.
As they are packed with rolled oats, you could almost say these flapjacks are healthy, just don't pay too much attention to the quantity of butter.

It seems the biggest argument about flapjacks are whether people like them chewy or crunchy - I must admit I'm on the chewy side but if a crunchy consistency is required - make them a little thinner and just cook them a little longer.
As they are packed with rolled oats, you could almost say these flapjacks are healthy, just don't pay too much attention to the quantity of butter.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Weekend Herb Blogging #295 Hosting
This week, the always gracious Simona from Briciole is hosting both the English and Italian versions of Weekend Herb Blogging.
If you're new to Weekend Herb Blogging or haven't joined in for a while, here's a quick recap of the rules.
You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower - in fact if it is plant based then we'll love to hear more. Your post can be informative, spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.
Entries must be submitted by:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) DS Time
Send your posts to simosite AT mac DOT com
with WHB#295 in the subject line and the following details:
- Your name
- Your Blog/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your Location
- Attach a Photo: 400px wide
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