Monday, November 17, 2014

ABC Mondiale - Australia

The World Culinary ABC has reached its third stop. We have enjoyed the cuisines of Samoa and India and now it is time to explore my home country of Australia.


"We don't have a very traditional, laid down set of rules around our culinary culture so we are able to take our multicultural influences and infuse it in our food in a very subtle and intricate way. We have the freedom to explore ideas and the freedom of express that through our food."
Chef Peter Gilmore

When it comes to describing the food culture of Australia you soon realise that it isn't an easy task. Most of the food we love and the food we eat has its origins elsewhere.

Any historical overview always begins with the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of our indigenous people. Colonisation brought with it the foods of England - our country thriving with the introduction of sheep, cattle and wheat. The Gold rush of the mid-1800's drew many Chinese to settle (1861 - 7% of Victoria's population were Chinese) while the post-war period saw mass migration from Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The 1970's heralded the start of what we now see as the modern Asian influence on our cuisine brought by Vietnamese and Thai immigration. Skip forward to today and you'll see African and Latin American influences in our food.

In regards to indigenous food, our most famous and successful export has to be the Macadamia nut. Other native ingredients remain more novelty item than store cupboard staple, though I am interested in the work done by the CSIRO in creating new citrus hybrids from our indigenous fruit. Kangaroo meat tends to divide with people hysterically claiming that they can't eat our national emblem. It is a hard attitude to change especially when you consider that the sale of kangaroo meat for human consumption was only legalised nationally in 1993. A similar scenario has played out in regards to Emu farming - you'll find more of them in China, India, Peru and the US.

When it comes to recipes that we consider our own, we are safe to claim - lamingtons, damper and Anzac biscuits though Pavlova will start arguments with New Zealanders. Meat Pies are English but the Pie Floater is all ours.

Traditional Australian dishes have their foundation in English classics while Modern Australian cuisine is a fusion of foods brought here by our immigrants. To help provide some inspiration on what Modern Australia food is like, I will direct you to these two links - Link 1 and Link 2.

In selecting a dish to feature, I decided to focus on one created for a very famous Australian by an equally famous chef - Escoffier's Peach Melba.

During her time, it could be easily argued that no singer was more renowned than our very own Dame Nellie Melba. Escoffier presented this dish at the opening of the Ritz Carlton in London.

Escoffier wrote "Pêche Melba is a simple dish made up of tender and very ripe peaches, vanilla ice cream and a purée of sugared raspberry. Any variation...ruins the delicate balance of its taste."

peach melba© by Haalo

Peach Melba
[Serves 2]

2 ripe peaches (not clingstone)
150 grams fresh raspberries
50 grams icing sugar
milk ice cream (or your favourite vanilla ice cream)

Mark the base of each peach with an X. Blanch the peaches in boiling water for 5 seconds and then remove to a bowl of iced water. Carefully peel the skin from each peach - then cut in half.

Place the peaches on a tray cut side up, dust over with icing sugar and rest in the fridge.

Puree the raspberries with icing sugar and then sieve to remove any seeds.

To serve:

Fill a serving bowl with ice cream. Carefully place a peach half on top and then drizzle over with the raspberry purée.

Serve at once.

If you'd like to participate in this journey through Australia:

You will need to post an Australian recipe by December 7th
In your post include a link to this post and to the World Culinary ABC then leave a link to your post in the comments section below - you can also add them to the linky.
You can use old posts just update the details to include the relevant information and multiple entries are welcome.
If you don't have a blog but would like to submit a recipe - just send me an email at hellohaalo AT and I'll post it for you.

Recipes for ABC Mondiale - Australia

Monday, October 13, 2014

In Ricordo - In Memory

Two weeks ago I sat in front of a blank page and wondered what to write - do I go over the reason for my absence or not? I eventually decided to concentrate on the positive and the future.

30 minutes is all it took to change everything.

The time elapsed between two phone calls. One misheard word - a sigh of relief and then a clarification. My mother has passed away.

Within hours we are booked on a flight that leaves the next day - half a world away, we must wait.

I cannot talk, it is too difficult. I am so thankful to have my husband - he is my voice. He is doing the things that I cannot, even though I know he is grieving. My mother is right - we are very blessed to have him in our lives.

One week has passed since that call and I still cannot believe it.

The last 3 months I have learnt so much about my parents, my regret is that there was still so much to discover. I assumed I had time, I had no inkling that this was not the case.

The hardest days are yet to come but I will not think of them, I will focus on the good memories.

I will be taking a break from blogging, there are conversations we need to have.

I won’t be abandoning this site - the very reason I can cook is because of my mother. Everything I know is because of her. This blog is filled with her wonderful recipes and when the time is right, I will blog again.

Thank you to my blogging friends and readers for the concern you have shown over the last few years and months - your kind words, thoughts and prayers have meant so much.

I think it is fitting to finish this post with one of my mother’s recipes - a brilliant dish full of good memories.

Torta Meringata con Mele - Apple Tart with Meringue

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

World Culinary ABC - ABC Mondiale

"Viral" is a fashionable word these days. Something goes "viral" because everybody knows it, talks about it, wants it. Well, the European Community ABC didn't go viral, but in reading again its announcement post from December 2012, I see that it talked about 16 blogs that were announcing together a virtual culinary tour of the European Community countries.

This year, however, we are ready to go: the calendar has been finalised and 29 bloggers (some of them ambassadors for a country, others travelers) plus the one and only Aiuolik make up a happy caravan.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are delighted to announce:


You got it: this time we will virtually travel around the world and put it on the table one letter at a time.
This tour will feature an ambassador for each letter and we hope that again there will be many of you traveling with us — for just one leg or for the whole tour or whenever your luggage is ready and you want to join the fun.

Each letter of the alphabet is associated with a city that represents a country and the ambassador will start the festivities with a dish s/he chooses from that country's culinary tradition. During the three weeks following the opening post, anyone can publish a recipe from the same country. It's that easy.

In brief, if you'd like to participate, remember the 4W rule:
  1. WHEN: every three weeks we change letter and country; 
  2. WHAT: you can publish any recipe (or more than one) from the country represented by the letter (the initial of the recipe name does not matter); 
  3. WHERE: publish the recipe on your blog and then leave a comment on the initial post (on the ambassador's blog) containing the URL of your post; 
  4. WHO: anyone who has a blog can participate; the more the merrier. It would be great to travel together for as many stops as possible, but, as I said above, you can choose when to participate.
The post(s) you publish must include a reference to the event and to the ambassador's blog. Use of the logo (the image above) is optional but welcome. You can also contribute a recipe from your archive: add the reference to the event and to the ambassador's blog and then submit the URL as described above. Let me know if you have any questions or doubts on the process.
Here's the calendar. Each line includes the letter, the name of the representative city, then in parentheses the name of the country and continent in which the city is located, the start and end date of our stay in the country and finally the hosting blog (ambassador).
  • A - APIA (Samoa, Oceania) - October 6 through October 26, 2014 - Mangiare è un po' come viaggiare
  • B - BALARAMPUR (India, Asia) - October 27 through November 16, 2014 - Cindystar
  • C - CANBERRA (Australia, Oceania) - November 17 through December 7, 2014 - Cook (almost) anything
  • D - DAKAR (Senegal, Africa) - December 8 through December 28, 2014 - Cafe Lynnylu
  • E - EDMONTON (Canada, America) - December 29, 2014 through January 18, 2015 - Zibaldone culinario
  • F - FORTALEZA (Brasil, America) - January 19 through February 8, 2015 - Torte e dintorni
  • G - GUADALAJARA (Mexico, America) - February 9 through March 1, 2015 - Torta di rose
  • H - HANOI (Vietnam, Asia) - March 2 through March 22, 2015 - Les madeleines di Proust
  • I - CAIRO (Egypt, Africa) [In Italian, the city is called IL CAIRO] - March 23 through April 12, 2015 - Crumpets & Co.
  • J - JUAN CARLOS BASE (Shetland Islands, Antarctica) - April 13 through May 3, 2015 - Briggis' home
  • K - KYOTO (Japan, Asia) - May 4 through May 24, 2015 - Nato sotto il cavolo
  • L - LUCERNA (Switzerland, Europe) - May 25 through June 14, 2015 - Kopiaste
  • M - MINNEAPOLIS (USA, America) - June 15 through July 5, 2015 - Briciole
  • N - NAIROBI (Kenya, Africa) - July 6 through July 26, 2015 - La cucina di qb
  • O - ODESSA (Ukraine, Europe) - July 27 through August 16, 2015 - BigShade
  • P - PORT MORESBY (Papua New Guinea, Oceania) - August 17 through September 6, 1015 - Kitchen in the city
  • Q - QUITO (Ecuador, America) - September 7 through September 27, 2015 - Ricette di cultura 
  • R - RABAT (Morocco, Africa) - September 28 through October 18, 2015 - La melagranata 
  • S - SUVA (Fiji, Oceania) - October 19 through November 8, 2015 - Santa Parmigiana
  • T - TUNISI (Tunisia, Africa) - November 9 through November 29, 2015 - Le tenere dolcezze di Resy
  • U - ULAN BATOR (Mongolia, Asia) - November 30 through December 20, 2015 - Un Uomo dal Bagno alla Cucina 
  • V - VOLGOGRAD (Russia, Europa) - December 21, 2015 through January 10, 2016 - Un pezzo della mia Maremma
  • W - WELLINGTON (New Zealand, Oceania) - January 11 through January 31, 2016 - Gata da plar
  • X - XIAN (China, Asia) - February 1 through February 21, 2016 - Un'arbanella di basilico
  • Y - YEREVAN (Armenia, Europa) - February 22 through March 13, 2016 - La cucina di Cristina
  • Z - ZAGABRIA (Croatia, Europa) - March 14 through April 3, 2016 - Burro e zucchero

Traveling with us is free, you learn a lot and you'll always find someone smiling next to you. What are you waiting for? Get that luggage ready.

C'è una parola che va tanto di moda ed è "virale". Qualcosa diventa virale perché tutti lo vogliono, tutti lo conoscono, tutti ne parlano... Ecco, l'abbecedario culinario d'Europa non è diventato virale, però rileggendo il suo post di apertura del Gennaio 2013, si parlava di 16 blog che a blog unificati annunciavano il viaggio (virtuale) culinario europeo, e quest'anno? Quest'anno abbiamo un calendario già pronto, abbiamo un gruppo di 29 blogger che compongono la nostra carovana, tra ambasciatrici, ambasciatore, "semplici" viaggiatrici e un'Aiuolik. 

Ebbene signori, noi siamo pronti e siamo lieti di annunciarvi:


Avete capito bene, questa volta giriamo (virtualmente) il mondo e lo mettiamo sul piatto, letterina per letterina!

Anche questo viaggio consta di un ambasciatore/ambasciatrice per ogni letterina e anche quest'anno ci aspettiamo che siate in tanti a viaggiare con noi, che sia per una tappa o per tutto il viaggio o ogni volta che avete il trolley pronto e vi volete aggiungere.

Questa volta però ogni lettera è associata a una città, rappresentativa di una nazione e l'ambasciatore/ambasciatrice ha l'onore di aprire le danze con un piatto tipico a sua scelta. In seguito, tutti gli altri partecipanti/viaggiatori possono pubblicare una ricetta tipica di quel luogo. Semplice, no?

Più brevemente, se volete partecipare ricordatevi la regola delle 4W:
  1. WHEN: ogni 3 settimane esce una lettera; 
  2. WHAT: potete pubblicare una qualsiasi ricetta (o anche più di una) della nazione rappresentata da quella lettera (la ricetta può iniziare con qualsiasi lettera!); 
  3. WHERE: la ricetta la pubblicate nel vostro blog e poi lasciate il link al blog ospite come commento al suo post di apertura; 
  4. WHO: chiunque abbia un blog può partecipare, più siamo e più ci divertiamo quindi sarebbe fantastico fare più tappe possibili tutti assieme, ma potete partecipare anche solo per una lettera, anche una lettera sì e una no, anche solo i mesi dispari! 
Il post deve includere un riferimento all'evento e al blog ospitante, mentre l'utilizzo del logo dell'evento (ovvero l'immagine che vedete un po' più su) è facoltativo (ma gradito). Potete anche utilizzare ricette dal vostro archivio: basta aggiungere il riferimento all'evento e procedere come sopra.

Se è tutto chiaro, ecco quindi il calendario, non fatevi spaventare dalle date, il viaggio sarà piacevolissimo in nostra compagnia!

Viaggiare con noi è gratis, si apprendono tante cose e troverai sempre un sorriso, che aspetti a preparare il trolley anche tu?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fegato alla Veneziana

You know you've been away from blogging for a while when you are stumped on how to actually begin the post. I have officially lost count of the various attempts, so maybe I should keep it simple and say

Hello, I'm back!

Fegato alla Veneziana© by Haalo

Crostini con Fegato alla Veneziana

200 grams veal liver, cut into thin slivers
200 grams white onion, finely sliced
olive oil
white wine
freshly ground salt and white pepper
fresh parsley leaves, finely chopped
Baguette, sliced thickly on the diagonal

Make the crostini:

You could just toast the bread but I like to make it a little more special by pan toasting in a little butter and olive oil.

Melt a knob of butter and a little oil into a skillet and when the butter has melted, add the sliced baguette. Cook on a low heat - when evenly browned, turn the bread over and cook until browned - you might need to add a little extra butter

Make the topping:

Drizzle a little olive oil into a pan along with a good knob of butter and place on a low heat. When the butter has melted, tumble in the sliced onions and cook ever so slowly until meltingly soft and just starting to colour. For the best result, this should take about 20 to 30 minutes.

Increase the heat, add another knob of butter - when it has melted and the onion has started to colour, add in the sliced liver. Cook each side of the liver for about 30 seconds or until browned - it's important not to overcook the liver or it will be tough. When it has browned on both sides, deglaze the pan with a little white wine and season with sea salt and white pepper.

Remove from the heat and sprinkle over with chopped parsley - give it a stir and serve.

To serve:

Place the crostini on a plate and then top generously with the liver. Eat at once!

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Mini Lemon Madeleines

Carla Emilia from Un'Arbanella di Basilico is hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm serving up these dainty Lemon Madeleines.

Lemon Madeleines© by Haalo

Lemon Madeleines
[Makes about 60 mini madeleines]

90 grams butter, melted and cooled
1 lemon, zested
2 eggs
75 grams caster sugar
20 grams soft brown sugar
90 grams plain flour, sifted
1 teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar, to dust

Add the lemon zest to the melted butter and allow to infuse until the butter has cooled.

Place the eggs and sugars into a processor and process until combined. Add the sifted flour and baking powder - process briefly to combine. With the motor running, add the cooled butter/lemon zest mixture.

Stop as soon as the mixture has amalgamated and pour out into a bowl - allow the batter to rest, for at least an hour or even overnight, in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F.

Butter and flour the Madeleine moulds.

Spoon batter to two-thirds fill each mould and bake 8-10 minutes or until golden and cooked through.

Let them cool slightly in the tray before dislodging them.

Allow to cool completely on a wire rack, pattern side up.

Dust with icing sugar before serving.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #444 Hosting

This week Carla Emilia from Un'Arbanella di Basilico will be hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you're new to Weekend Herb Blogging or haven't joined in for a while, here's a quick recap of the rules.

You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower - in fact if it is plant based then we'll love to hear more. Your post can be informative, spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe. I'm sure you'll easily find a post that will be perfect for WHB.

Entries must be submitted by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your posts to carlaemilia AT
with WHB#444 in the subject line and the following details
  • Your name
  • Your Blog/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Attach a Photo: 400px wide

Weekend Herb Blogging will be taking a short break and resume September 1st!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Apricot and Pistachio Cake

Brii from Briggishome is hosting both the English and Italian versions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I have another recipe that spans the seasons and will work well whether you use fresh or canned apricots.

Apricot and Pistachio Cake© by Haalo

Apricot and Pistachio Upside Down Cake

150 grams brown sugar
75 grams butter
canned apricots, drained
250 grams plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
180 grams caster sugar
200 grams melted butter, cooled
40 grams slivered pistachio
2 eggs, lightly whisked
1-2 teaspoons Orange Blossom Water
80mls milk, approx

Make the topping:

Place the butter and sugar into a small saucepan and cook over a low heat until the butter has melted and sugar has dissolved

Pour this into a prepared pan - I used a loaf tin but you use a 20cm/8inch cake tin instead.

Arrange the apricot halves neatly over the surface - canned apricots will shrink more than fresh, so be sure to pack them in.

Make the cake:

Sift the plain flour with the baking powder and place into a bowl. Add the caster sugar, eggs, Orange flower water, cooled butter and pistachios and beat, adding enough milk to create a spoonable batter.

Spread the batter carefully over the apricots and then level off the surface with a palette knife.

Bake in a preheated 160°C/320°F until golden and cooked through. If you find the surface is browning too quickly, cover with the cake pan with foil.

Once done, let it sit in the pan for a few minutes before turning out onto your serving plate.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #443 Hosting

This week Brii from Briggishome will be hosting both the English and Italian versions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you haven't taken part or it's been a while since you last joined in, here's a quick summary of the rules.

You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, nut, seed, flower or plant. Your post can be informative - spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.

You can post any time during the week but remember to send your email by the following cut-off times:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your entries to briiblog AT
with WHB#443 in the subject line and the following:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • A photo: 400px wide

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Blue Cornmeal Tortillas

Terry from Crumpets & Co is hosting both versions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I've put the tortilla press to use to make up a batch of Blue Cornmeal Tortillas.

Blue corn tortilla© by Haalo

Blue Cornmeal Tortillas
Makes 8

1 cup blue corn meal
1 cup warm water
1 cup plain flour, approx

Make the dough:

Place the cornmeal and water into the bowl and process until amalgamated. Add in about half the flour and continue to mix - if the dough is too soft, continue adding the plain flour a little at a time until a cohesive dough forms.

Remove the dough and knead briefly to form a smooth ball. Let it rest for half an hour before proceeding.

Divide the dough into 8 - roll each into a ball and then press between the palms of your hands to flatten.

Line one side of your tortilla press with a baking paper circle - this will stop the dough from sticking to the plates.

Cover with another sheet of baking paper, followed by the lid and then give it a good press.

Open, remove the tortilla and repeat the process with the remaining dough - store the tortilla between sheets of baking paper.

To cook:

Heat a dry, heavy, flat bottomed skillet over medium heat. Place a tortilla in the pan and when the edges begin to curl, turn it over and cook the other side. The tortillas will puff while cooking and you should notice that they will lighten in colour.

Place the cooked tortillas on a wire rack while you cook the rest.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #442 Hosting

This week we welcome Terry from Crumpets & Co who will be hosting both the Italian and English versions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you're new to Weekend Herb Blogging or haven't joined in for a while, here's a quick recap of the rules.

You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower - in fact if it is plant based then we'll love to hear more. Your post can be informative, spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.

Entries must be submitted by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 8am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your posts to abbbella74 AT
with WHB#442 in the subject line and the following details:
  • Your name
  • Your Blog/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Attach a Photo: 400px wide

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Peach and Semolina Custard Tart

Simona from Briciole is hosting both editions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I have a tart that you'll be able to enjoy regardless of the season. In summer, use fresh peaches while in winter, canned make an excellent alternative.

Peach and Semolina Custard Tart© by Haalo

Peach and Semolina Custard Tart
[Makes 1x26cm tart]

sweet shortcrust pastry
8 peaches, cut into eighths
semolina custard
25 grams semolina
25 grams raw sugar
¾ cup milk

Make the semolina custard:
Put the milk, sugar and semolina into a saucepan and whisk over a gentle heat until the mixture is smooth. Keep stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens. Place this mixture into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap - make sure the wrap resta against the custard, this will prevent a skin forming. Allow to cool before using.

Assemble the tart:
Roll out the pastry to form a circle slightly larger than your tart tin. Lay the pastry into the tin allowing the pastry to drape over the edge.

Spread the semolina custard evenly over the base - arrange the peach segments over the top - I arranged them in a series of concentric circles.

Finish by folding the excess pastry carefully over the peaches - brush the pastry with a little milk and sprinkle with a raw sugar.

Bake in a preheated 170°C oven until the pastry is golden and cooked through - about 30 minutes. Let the tart cool in the tin before removing.

To give it a glossy look, brush the tart with warmed and sieved apricot jam.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #441 Hosting

This week Simona from Briciole is hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you're new to Weekend Herb Blogging or haven't joined in for a while, here's a quick recap of the rules.

You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, seed, nut, flower - in fact if it is plant based then we'll love to hear more. Your post can be informative, spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.

Entries should be submitted by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 8am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your posts to simosite AT mac DOT com
with WHB#441 in the subject line and the following details:
  • Your name
  • Your Blog/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Attach a Photo: 400px wide

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Zucchini Falafel

Marta from Mangiare è un po'come viaggiare is hosting both versions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm utilising a vegetable that is abundant this time of year - Zucchini.

I use a lot of zucchini in my cooking but one of the more different but tasty recipes I enjoy making are these Zucchini Falafel. Perfect as a finger food or with the addition of tabouleh and pita bread you have a complete meal.

Zucchini Falafel© by Haalo

Zucchini Falafel

200 grams grated zucchini
400 gram can chickpeas, drained
1 red onion, chopped roughly
½ teaspoon smoked paprika
½ teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
handful coriander leaves

Place the onion, paprika, cumin and baking powder in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Add in the zucchini and chickpeas and pulse again to begin to break up the mixture. Finally add the coriander leaves and pulse just enough to finely chop them.

Place the mixture into a bowl, add a lightly whisked egg and stir it through. As the mix will be soft add just enough breadcrumbs to create a malleable mix.

Take small amounts of the mix and roll into balls - for a quicker and more even result, use a small ice cream scoop to form the falafel.

Roll each ball in breadcrumbs (I used a mix of panko and regular breadcrumbs) and set them aside.

You can store these in the fridge on paper towels if you aren't cooking them straight away.

To cook, either shallow or deep fry until golden and heated through. Drain on paper towels and eat when hot.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #440 Hosting

Marta from Mangiare è un po'come viaggiare will be hosting both the English and Italian versions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you haven't taken part or it's been a while since you last joined in, here's a quick summary of the rules.

You have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, nut, seed, flower or plant. Your post can be informative - spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.

You can post any time during the week but remember to send your email by the following cut-off times:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your entries to martarin AT
with WHB#440 in the subject line and the following:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • A photo: 400px wide

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Roast Tomato and Red Capsicum Soup

Lucia from Torta di Rose is hosting both editions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week winter has finally taken hold and soup is on the menu.

At this time of year, tomatoes don't have a huge amount of flavour but you can accentuate the flavour they do have by slow-roasting them. As I'm not a great tomato soup fan, I've added red capsicums that I've cooked along with the tomatoes. To finish off, a generous dollop of fresh pesto, to really bring the flavour out.

Roast Tomato and Red Capsicum Soup© by Haalo

Roast Tomato and Red Capsicum Soup with Pesto
[Serves 2/3]

6 tomatoes, halved
1 red capsicum, quartered and cored
2 garlic cloves, skin on
1 red onion, finely diced
sea salt and ground white pepper, to taste
pesto, to serve

Toss the halved tomatoes, capsicum and garlic in a little olive oil.

Line a tray with baking paper and arrange the vegetables - place the tomatoes cut side up and sprinkle over with a little sea salt and a grinding on white pepper - place the capsicum skin side up.

Bake in a preheated 150°C oven until the capsicum skin starts to blacken - about 30 minutes.

While the vegetables are in the oven, put the onion and a little oil in a pan and sauté slowly until soft and starting to colour.

Peel the skins from the capsicum and chop roughly. Pop the garlic from the skins. Add these to the onions along with the tomatoes and any liquid that has been released in the tray - stir and then pour in just enough stock to cover.

Simmer gently for 15 minutes - this should be enough time for the vegetables to begin to break down.

Use a stick blender/food processor to puree the soup - taste and adjust the seasoning.

Bring the soup back to temperature and serve with a dollop of pesto.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #439 Hosting

This week Lucia from Torta di Rose will be hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

While it's called Weekend Herb Blogging we don't limit ourselves to just posts dealing with herbs - we celebrate vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers, grains - in fact if it is plant based, then we'll love to hear more.

Your posts can either be informative and/or include a recipe where your featured ingredient is the main ingredient of the dish. If you've found a new way to cook an old ingredient or discovered a new ingredient, you're more than welcome to share it with WHB.

Posts can be written anytime during the week but need to be sent to the host by the appropriate deadlines.

Send your entries AT
with WHB#439 in subject line and the following details:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • A photo: 400px wide
Your entries need to be received by:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne Time

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Buttered Red Cabbage

Kris from Tutto a Occhio is hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I have quick and easy recipe using Red Cabbage.

Buttered Red Cabbage

1 small Red Cabbage
1 red onion, finely sliced
salt and pepper
balsamic vinegar

Cook the onions:
Place a little olive oil and a small knob of butter into a pan over a low heat, when the butter has melted, toss in the finely sliced onions and allow them to slowly soften and just start to colour.

Prepare the Cabbage:
Remove the outer leaves and discard. Cut the cabbage in half, remove the core and then slice as finely as possible. Wash the sliced cabbage and drain very well.

Add some more butter to the onions and toss in the cabbage - stirring constantly to ensure it's mixed well. This will only take a few minutes to cook, you just want the cabbage to wilt but not loose all its crunch.

When it's almost ready, drizzle over with Aged Balsamic, taste and season with freshly ground sea salt and white pepper.

Continue cooking until the cabbage has a glossy sheen. Remove from the heat and serve at once.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Black and White Wednesday #134 Gallery

Thank you for joining in with Black and White Wednesday. Next week our host will be Sreevalli from Ammaji Recipes.

Dallas Divide Ranch (CO) by Simona from Briciole

What we have this moment to hold? by Sandhya from Sandhya's Kitchen

Empty Jars by Cinzia from Cindystar

All Set by Me

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #437 Recap/Raccolto

Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes. As usual there are some surprising ingredients and dishes to suit all tastes and all seasons.

Next week, Kris from Tutto a Occhio will be hosting both editions and I look forward to seeing you there.

I've presented the English recap followed by the Italian.

Bitter Orange and Elderflower Marmalade
by Terry from Crumpets and Co

Tumbleweed, Emmenthal and Paprika Cake
by Lucia from Torta di Rose

Stir-fried Radishes and Swiss Chard
by Elizabeth from Blog from Our Kitchen

Bulgarian Sunflower Sweet Bread
by Cinzia from Cindystar

Steamed Broccoli with Walnut Miso Dressing
by Simona from Bricole

Pear, Raspberry and Walnut Wholemeal Muffins
by Me


Grazie per le vostre meravigliose ricette. Come sempre, ci sono ingredienti che ti sorprende e piatti per tutti i gusti e tutte le stagioni.

Ci vediamo la prossima settimana quando Kris di Tutto a Occhio è la nostra ospita.

Sformatini di tagliatelle con Zucchini Novelle
by Carla Emilia from Un'Arbanella di Basilico

Marmellata di Arance Amare e fiori di sambuco
by Terry from Crumpets and Co

Cake ai Roscani e Paprika
by Lucia from Torta di Rose

Brioche Bulgara Girasole
by Cinzia from Cindystar

Broccoli al Vapore con salsina al miso e noci
by Simona from Bricole

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pear, Raspberry and Walnut Wholemeal Muffins

I'm hosting Weekend Herb Blogging and there's still time to join in. You can find all the details in the hosting post.

My entry this week is a fruit-filled muffin with a wholesome side. To offset the stodginess of wholemeal flour, I've packed them pear, raspberries and walnuts - the raspberry adding a welcome burst of colour.

pear, raspberry and walnut wholemeal muffins© by Haalo

Pear, Raspberry and Walnut Wholemeal Muffins
[Makes 12 regular sized muffins]

300 grams wholemeal flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
50 grams brown sugar
2 pears, cored and diced (about 200 grams)
50 grams walnuts, roughly chopped
2 eggs
1 cup milk
80 grams melted butter, cooled
100 grams raspberries, fresh or frozen

Place the flour and baking powder into a bowl, along with the sugar. Give it a stir before tumbling in the diced pears and walnuts - keep stirring to spread them evenly through the flour.

Whisk together the eggs and milk - pour this into the mix, along with the melted butter. Stir quickly to amalgamate before folding in the raspberries -  it is important not to work the mixture too much at this stage as you will break the raspberries.

Scoop the batter into muffin cases and bake in a pre-heated 170°C oven until golden and cooked through - around 20 to 30 minutes.

When cooked place on wire racks to cool - finish off with a dusting of icing sugar.

pear, raspberry and walnut wholemeal muffins© by Haalo

I did say these were fruit-filled and indeed, when you break them in two, you'll see those vibrant raspberries and lovely chunks of soft pear.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Black & White Wednesday #134 Hosting

With many thanks to Cinzia who wonderfully manages this event, it is my great pleasure to be your host for this edition of Black and White Wednesday.

If you would like to join in, it couldn't be easier.

Your photo needs to be of a culinary nature or show anything related to food - any effect can be used as long as the image is black & white, sepia or cyanotype.

Please send your photos (500px wide, height open) to
haalo AT and include
Your Name - Blog Name - Photo Post URL and Photo Title

I'll be accepting entries through to midday on Wednesday 18th.

Happy Clicking!

All Set

Monday, June 09, 2014

Cheese: Caciocavallo Fresco

My cheese for today isn't from Cuneo or Piemonte - instead I'm moving my focus to Southern Italy to present this Caciocavallo Fresco.

Caciocavallo Fresco© by Haalo

Caciocavallo is a stretched curd cheese (like mozzarella and provolone) which can be made from cows, ewes or buffalo milk.  I'm more used to seeing the aged versions so I was more than intrigued by this fresh version.

Caciocavallo Fresco© by Haalo

You can use it as you would mozzarella but you can also use it like haloumi - cut into thick slices and fried in a saucepan to crisp the outside.

I've served it in another way - as caciocavallo cotolette - bite size pieces that are egg-washed then crumbed before being quickly sautéed until crisp and golden.

Caciocavallo Fresco© by Haalo

Piled high, they make for a rather tasty nibble to go alongside that pre-dinner Negroni.

Caciocavallo Fresco© by Haalo

Weekend Herb Blogging #437 Hosting

This week I will be hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

If you would like to join in, it couldn't be easier.

You have the week to post about any herb, vegetable, fruit, flower, nut, grain, seed in fact, if it is plant based then it's eligible. Your post can be informative - spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe.

Posts can be written anytime during the week but need to be sent to the host by the appropriate deadlines:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne Time

Send your posts to haalo AT
with WHB#437 in the subject line and the following details:
  • Your name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • A photo, 400px wide

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Ginger Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

Graziana from Erbe in Cucina (Cooking with Herbs) is hosting both the Italian and English editions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm back in Melbourne.  Unfortunately I've been struck down with a cold so I've turned to the ever reliable tonic for these situations - a Gingery Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup - guaranteed to make you feel better.

chicken sweet corn soup© by Haalo

Ginger, Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

1 litre chicken stock
1 thumb ginger, sliced

8 spring onions
1 thumb ginger, finely diced
4 skinless chicken thighs, sliced finely
1 can (420 grams) creamed corn
2 cups corn kernels
salt and pepper, to taste

Place the stock and ginger into a pot and simmer slowly so that the ginger releases its flavour into the stock.

Separate the green from the white part of the spring onions and slice both into fine discs.

Drizzle a little oil into a pot and place over a low heat - add all the white part of the spring onion, along with the ginger - sauté for a few minutes until the spring onion has softened and the ginger aroma has been released. Add the chicken, a little at a time, stirring often, and when the colour has changed add another handful of chicken. Repeat this until all the chicken has been used.

Add the creamed corn and corn kernels along with half of the green part of the spring onions - stir and then add the stock remembering to strain off the ginger slices. Let this simmer for 15 minutes, taste and adjust the seasoning. Finish off by stirring through the remaining spring onion.

Serve at once.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Black & White Wednesday #133

Lynne from Cafe Lynnylu is hosting Black & White Wednesday and this week my subject is the summer black truffle.

summer black truffle© by Haalo
Summer Black Truffle

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Weekend Herb Blogging #436 Hosting

This week Graziana from Erbe in Cucina (Cooking with Herbs) will be hosting both the Italian and English editions of Weekend Herb Blogging.

It's very easy to join in - you have the week to post about any herb, fruit, vegetable, flower, nut, seed or grain - in fact if it is plant based we'd love to know more.

Your post can be informative, spotlight a particular ingredient and/or include a recipe where your chosen ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe. To find out more just check out the rules.

Entries need to be submitted by the following times:
  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
  • 10pm Sunday - London Time
  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
  • 7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time

Send your posts to scrivi AT
with WHB#436 as the subject and the following details
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • A photo, 300 px wide

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tajarin con Ragu di Fave

Cristina from La Cucina di Cristina is hosting both the English and Italian editions of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I'm enjoying these fresh Broad (or Fava) beans.

Broad Beans© by Haalo

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Black & White Wednesday #132

Cinzia from Cindystar is hosting Black and White Wednesday this week and I'm continuing on my wine theme with this photo from one of the cellars at Ceretto.

Under Oak© by Haalo
"Under Oak"
© Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once | All rights reserved.