The photos and text contained within this website, Cook (almost) Anything are copyright ©Haalo unless otherwise noted.
All content is protected by Australian and International Copyright and Intellectual property laws.
You may not reproduce any photos or text from this site.
If you wish to reproduce any of my content, then you will need to contact me at copyright AT, with the full details of your proposed use.
If you are a commercial site, this includes any site carrying any form of advertising, then you will require a licensing agreement. Please note - my photos/content are not free.
Please direct your inquiries to copyright AT
If you are found to be using my content without an agreement, then I will take further action.
If you are stealing my feed, I wil file DMCA's with all relevant parties, be it Google, Google Adsense, Web Service providers.
If you have stolen my photos, I will file DMCA's with all relevant parties, be it Google, Google Adsense, Web Service providers.
Do not ignore my requests to have my content removed.
If you appreciate my work enough to want to use it then show some respect and appreciate my right to decide where and how I wish to have my work displayed.
Wall of Shame (Sites and Individuals who are content thieves)