Sunday, June 15, 2008

Garibaldi Biscotti

Astrid from Paulchen's Food Blog is the host of this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging and this week I've found a new type of dried fruit - Dried Shiraz

dried shiraz grapes

Shiraz or Syrah is better known as a wine variety so the whole idea that shiraz has been dried rather than turned into wine might be a touch sacrilegious to some.

These dried Shiraz are quite a lot darker than normal sultanas - it's to be expected as they are a red grape. They are also a little smaller in size and have been dried with the seed inside. Tastewise you'll find that they contain all those typical flavours found in shiraz wine - touches of berry, coffee, chocolate, black pepper and violets.

As soon as I saw these dried Shiraz I knew exactly what I'd use them for - a variation of the much loved Garibaldi Biscotti or as Paalo rather sheepishly calls them "squashed fly biscuits". The recipe comes from Ursula Ferrigno's La Dolce Vita and are a simpler version of the traditional treat. Instead of sandwiching the dried fruit between two buttery pastry layers, the fruit is stirred through the pastry itself. It's an addictive combination of sweet fruit and melt-in your-mouth short pastry.

garibaldi biscotti

Garibaldi Biscotti

120 grams 00 or plain flour, sifted
90 grams butter, cut into small cubes
50 grams caster sugar
120 grams Dried Shiraz (or currants)
1 egg, lightly beaten

Place the flour and butter into a bowl and rub the butter in using your fingertips. When most of the butter has been incorporated, sprinkle over the caster sugar and continue.

When the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, stir in the dried shiraz (or currants) until evenly distributed.

Add the egg, a little at a time until a soft but not sticky dough forms.

Roll the dough out to cover the base of a 20x28cm tin.

garibaldi biscotti ready for the oven

Brush the pastry with the remaining egg and bake in a preheated 180°C/350°F oven for about 20 minutes or until golden.

Once out of the oven, cut into squares and place on a wire rack to cool.

Garibaldi biscotti

You might want to consider doubling the batch as these will disappear very quickly!


  1. Oh, if I only had one to go with my coffee right now! Delicious!

  2. Sounds delicious! I do love that type of wine, so I'm guessing I would like the flavor of these too.

  3. AnonymousJune 15, 2008

    Beautiful biscuits, and I am sure they are delicious too!

  4. AnonymousJune 15, 2008



  5. AnonymousJune 16, 2008

    Interesting! I would try this recipe with chocolate chips. Hee...

  6. Thanks VB - they are a perfect treat to have with coffee.

    Thanks Kalyn - the most unusual aspect of these are the seeds so unlike sultanas, these have a crunch

    Thanks Simran - they are very delicious

    I'll try to save some for you Paz ;)

    Funny you should say that Jacelyn - I've just made pistachio and white chocolate versions.

  7. AnonymousJune 19, 2008

    Hi Haalo

    These look fantastic and I'm in love with sultanas and all sort of dried grapes and live in melbourne. So I just have to ask you where did you get your dried shiraz grapes from?

  8. Hi Lauren - I found the dried shiraz at Ripe the Organic Grocer in Prahran Market.

  9. These look WAY better than the traditional squashed-fly biscuits made with golden raisins! Or at least, the squashed-fly biscuits my mom used to buy were always made with golden raisins.


  10. Thanks Eatme - they taste even better!

    Thanks Elizabeth - i might try the traditional route next and use raisins.

  11. AnonymousJune 26, 2008

    Lots of useful information.. Thanks for sharing. I've never tried this before.

  12. AnonymousJuly 08, 2008

    Hi Haalo,

    Sorry it slipped my mind to check for your reply. Thank you for the info. I love Ripe at the Prahan Market and I'll see if they have these still when I'm next there.


  13. Hi Lauren, Mows, the potato man now stocks them as well.


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