Wednesday, August 05, 2009


It's been a while since I've done something for Presto Pasta Night, that great pasta loving event started by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast, so it's fitting that I've popped up with something this week as Ruth is hosting!

The pasta I've used is called Tagliolini

tagliolini© by Haalo

You might call Tagliolini a thinner version of tagliatelle and these wonderful egg noodles even in their dried form will cook up in less than 3 minutes - perfect for those times you want a quick meal.

Tagliolini work well with creamy sauces and you could easily combine them with a carbonara sauce. I decided to make something a little lighter and incorporate those great winter legumes, peas and broadbeans to a base of sautéed pancetta and mushrooms. To add some creaminess without adding weight, fresh ricotta is crumbled into the finished dish just before serving.

tagliolini© by Haalo

Tagliolini with Pancetta, Mushrooms, Peas and Ricotta

pancetta, cut into small cubes
mushrooms, cut into cubes
fresh peas
fresh broadbeans

Prepare the broadbeans:

There's nothing worse than overcooked broadbeans and the key to enjoying them at their best is to remove that outer skin. Once you've shelled the broadbeans, place them in boiling water for about 10-15 seconds and then remove immediately, dropping them into cold water. You should now be able to easily remove that skin and you'll be left with beautifully green, sweet and tender beans.

Make the sauce:

Place a non-stick skillet over a medium flame and when heated, add in the pancetta. Sauté this until starting to colour and then add the mushrooms. It's important to keep the heat up as you don't want the mushrooms to stew but colour in the released fat of the pancetta. Once browned add in the peas, stir them well and then turn down the heat, allowing them to come up to temperature before adding the broad beans.

At this stage you could cook the pasta - it should take around 3 minutes, enough time to complete the sauce.

Toss the drained, cooked pasta onto the sauce and then crumble over with a little ricotta. Toss this until the ingredients have mixture through and the ricotta has broken up - the heat will help the ricotta bind the dish.

Tumble out into bowls and serve at once.


  1. Your pasta looks phenomenal. Super tasty.

  2. Absolutely heavenly!!!! Most people don not think beyond a classic carbonara, but this is so much healthier AND prettier!!!

  3. I've never had broadbeans but they should be in season here soon. Now I will know how to use them!

  4. Looks amazing. I wish I had some right now.

  5. Thanks Violet!

    Thanks Nina!

    Thanks Joanne - hope you enjoy the broadbeans!

    Thanks Food Hunter!

  6. Everything I look for in a pasta: simple, flavorful and pretty! Definitely hanging onto this for when our winter rolls around...


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