Sunday, November 18, 2018

Pere Madernassa al Vino

Menu Lib(e)ro has reached the fruit course and Resy from Le tenere dolcezze di Resy is hosting. The fruit I've chosen is a local delight - Madernassa pears which originate from the Roero here in Piemonte.

Pere Madernassa

They have the colour of autumn, with shades of russet brown - small in size but big in flavour, they are made to be cooked.

The dish I've chosen is one you'll see in just about every restaurant here - in fact, the recipe comes from Ristorante Antica Torre in Barbaresco and it's found in this book - Slow Food's Ricette di Piemonte.

Ricette del Piemonte by Slow Food

If you can't find these pears, you could try Martin sec pears.

The recipe is fairly simple - try to choose pears that are consistent in size so that they will cook evenly and only use a red wine that you are willing to drink - in this region, you can use Dolcetto, Barbera, Nebbiolo, Barbaresco and even Barolo.

Madernassa Pears in wine

Pere Madernassa al vino

1 kg of Pere Madernassa (about 8)
20 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
150 grams sugar
1 litre of red wine
50 grams sugar, extra

Find a high-sided pot that will fit your pears snuggly.

Wash and dry the pears and set to one side - leave the stalk attached and do not peel.

Into your pot, add the sugar, cloves, cinnamon sticks and wine and place over a gentle heat, stirring until the sugar is dissolved.

Add in the pears - the liquid must cover the pears. Take a sheet of baking paper and press it against the top of the liquid to make sure the pears stay submerged.

Cook on the stove top or in the oven until the pears have softened - about 45 minutes. You'll know when they are done when you see wrinkles in the skin and this wonderfully crinkled appearance.

Remove the pears carefully from the liquid and set to one side.

Strain the liquid into a clean pot - add in the extra sugar and stir to dissolve. Put this onto the heat again and reduce until thickened and glossy.

The pears are served cold with this reduced syrup.

1 comment

  1. Con quelle spezie chissà che profumo!! Grazie per la ricetta piemontese che ci hai regalato!


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