Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

It's happening right now...

Lunar Eclipse

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  1. My husband woke me up at 3:30am here to see the eclipse. You got a wonderful photo. I was too tired, and my husband tried to, but doesn't know how to operate the camera very well, so his pictures didn't turn out nearly as good as yours!!!

  2. so glad you posted a pic of the eclipse. I knew that getting up to see it would be somewhat anticlimactic so i stayed in bed. thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow - what a gorgeous photo! I saw a lunar eclipse earlier this year in London (Jan? Feb??) It was quite surreal and very beautiful - sadly I had no camera with me at the time as we were at a friend's house.

  4. Nice! Beautifully sharp. I photographed obsessively through clouds and haze. There was a lot of fist-shaking at the sky. Sorting though them now. All 104 photos. It was a beautiful show.

  5. Thanks Deborah - that's certainly dedication to get up at that time.

    Thanks Lucy - I'm glad that occurred at a more reasonable time.

    Thanks Jeanne - it's different seeing the moon blood red

    Thanks Lorena - it was a bit of a battle with cloud and ambient light, I'm happy to have seen it and managed to get a couple of nice shots too. I love the series showing the progression of the eclipse on your site!

  6. Great shot! Very clear.

  7. what a beautiful photo! I didnt even know it was going on.

  8. I wish I was there! But a great shot you had Haalo. Have a wonderful day my dear friend.

  9. Thanks Meg!

    Thanks TSG - the next one is on Feb 21 2008 but we won't be seeing it in Australia

    Thanks Rose, you'll have to see the next one for me!


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