After a relaxing start to 2013, I'm back to host the start of a new year of Weekend Herb Blogging.
Weekend Herb Blogging is a celebration of those everyday ingredients - herbs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grain, flowers - in fact if it is plant based, it's welcome.
To take part all you need is to write a post that is either informative and/or includes a recipe where your featured ingredient is the main ingredient of the dish. If you've found a new way to cook an old ingredient or discovered a new ingredient, you're more than welcome to share it with WHB.
Posts can be written anytime during the week but need to be sent to the host by the appropriate deadlines - posts should include the phrase Weekend Herb Blogging with a link to your host.
Entries should be submitted by the following times:
- 3pm Sunday - Utah Time
- 10pm Sunday - London Time
- 11pm Sunday - Rome Time
- 9am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) DS Time
Send your posts to whb AT cookalmostanything DOT com
with WHB#366 in the subject line and the following details:
- Your name
- Your Blog/URL
- Your Post URL
- Your Location
- Attach a photo: 400px wide
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