Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekend Herb Blogging - Who's Hosting?

This post will be updated regularly with the hosting schedule.

To participate in Weekend Herb Blogging - please check out the rules for WHB and then email your host by

3pm Sunday - Utah Time (DST 11th March 2012 to November 4th 2012)
9pm Sunday - London Time (from 28th October to November 3rd 2012)
[10pm during DST - 25th March 2012 to 27 October 2012 and from 5th November 2012 to 9th March 2013]
10pm Sunday - Rome Time (from 28th October to November 3rd 2012)
[11pm during DST - 25th March 2012 to 27 October 2012 and from 5th November 2012 to 9th March 2013]
7am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time [from 31st March 2012 - 5th October 2012]
8am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time [from 6th October - 3rd November and from 10th March 2013]
9am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time [from 4th November - 9th March 2013]
(Melbourne DST - 7th October 2012 to April 7th 2013)

Please note that these time changes are due to areas coming in and out of Daylight Savings Time. You can use this converter to find out the corresponding time in your location.

Acceptance of late entries will be left to the discretion of the host and may be passed onto the following weeks host.

In your email please include the following information:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Your Location
  • Attach a photo (please check the details below for specific photo requirements)
Recaps are published either Sunday Night or Monday.

Upcoming Hosts

WHB#421 - February 17th to 23rd
The host will be Carla Emilia from Un'arbanella di Basilico
Send your posts to carlaemilia AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#422 - February 24th to March 2nd
The host will be Cristina from La Cucina di Cristina
Send your posts to cucinadicristina AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#423 - March 3rd to 9th
The host will be Elena from Zibaldone Culinario
Send your posts to zibaldone.culinario AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#424 - March 10th to 16th
The host will be Graziana from Erbe in Cucina
Send your posts to scrivi AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#425 - March 17th to 23rd
The host will be Susan from The Well-Seasoned Cook
Send your posts to thewellseasonedcook AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#426 - March 24th to 30th
he host will be Lucia from Torta di Rose
Send your posts to AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#427 - April 1st to 6th
The host will be Lynne from Cafe Lynnylu
Send your posts to lynnylu AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#427-Italian - April 1st to 6th
The host will be Kris from Tutto a Occhio
Send your posts to Newkriss AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#428 - April 7th to 13th
The host will be Lucia from Torta di Rose
Send your posts to AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#429 - April 14th to 20th
The host will be Marta from Mangiare รจ come viaggiare
Send your posts to martarin AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

WHB#430 - April 21st to 27th
The host will be Simona from Briciole
Send your posts to simosite AT
Please include a photo sized: 400px wide

Like to be a host?

If you'd like to host then send an email to:
whb AT cookalmostanything DOT com
and include your blog name and url, your preferred email address and photo requirements.

Participants are most welcome to host more than once if desired.


  1. Love the idea for a Holiday Herb Blogging! Looking forward to it.

  2. Thanks Kalyn but I must give you credit for the idea. I really enjoyed the first holiday herb blogging a couple of years back and thought it would be good to revisit.

  3. This is great! I am so glad I found you guys... I am excited to join in and be a part of this! Thank you for doing this :)

  4. Thanks Marillyn - look forward to your posts!

  5. Absolutely adore the idea. Thanks so much for coming up with it : )

  6. Thanks Mango - good to see you joining in!

  7. Amazing blog You've got here. Thumbs up! Lot to see, learn and discover. Beautiful design as well as genius concept!. Keep it up! Cheers!


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